Crime Stats for SMB 4/29/24- 5/6/24

The following are the statistics for Shilshole Bay Marina (SBM) between 4/29/24 at 17:00 hours and 5/6/24 at 17:00 hours as reported by Officer T. Enter #363 of the Port of Seattle Police

1) “Theft” A nearby business advised they observed an individual in possession of a Port of Seattle Dock Cart on 4/30. Units arrived and conducted an area check for the individual but were unable to locate them.

2) “Stolen Vehicle” A vehicle was reported stolen on 5/2/24. A Shilshole resident had parked their vehicle across from ‘P’ dock on 5/1. Approximately 24 hours later, the vehicle was realized to be missing.

3) “Vehicle Recovery” The above vehicle was located, recovered, and released to the Shilshole Resident on 5/4.

*18 Area Checks were completed (Business Checks included).

If you have any questions for the POSP please call them directly or join the vMan Radio net on VHF Ch.71 on Monday at 8PM.

If you know of any incidents that weren’t reported in these stats please let your neighbors know here and we’ll try to get more information.

Please call Port Police first when witnessing an incident
As always, tenants are encouraged to stay vigilant & report ANY suspicious activity to the Port of Seattle Police. **Please remember, IF AN INCIDENT ISN’T REPORTED it’s like IT NEVER OCCURRED. If you want to see better security at Shilshole PLEASE report everything and contribute to the stats.

For emergencies in general call 911
Incidents on Port Property: 206-787-5401 or 911 and ask for the Port Police
The following numbers should be in your speed dial and easily accessible.
Port of Seattle Police Direct Line: 206-787-5401
Port of Seattle Police Non-emergency: 206-787-3490
Shilshole Marina Night Security/24 hr: 206-601-4089
If you have any issues with nighttime security staff between 10pm-7am (such as not answering the phone) please call their supervisor at 206-787-3688 anytime.

2024 VMAN Survey

VMAN (Vessel Mutual Assistance Network) is part of the Shilshole Prepares Program in case of emergencies and is an opportunity to hear community updates every Monday at 8PM on VHF 71.

The Shilshole Liveaboard Association Board wants your feedback on how we can make our Monday night VMAN more valuable for our community.

Please take a minute to complete our anonymous survey to share your experience with VMAN and what you might want to hear more (or less) of during the weekly check ins. Thank you so much!!

Clipper ‘Round the World Race arrives in Seattle!

The boats have started to arrive at Bell Harbor.  There are tours and info about participating.  The parade of boats for the next start on May 3rd is worth the boat trip over to watch!

With no previous sailing experience necessary, before signing up for the intensive training programme, it’s a record-breaking 40,000 nautical mile race around the world on a 70-foot ocean racing yacht.


SBM Crime Stats 4/15/24 – 4/29/24

The following are the “Significant Event” statistics for Shilshole Bay Marina between 4/15/24 at 17:00 hours and 4/22/24 at 17:00 as provide by Officer T. Enter & Officer Hilgers of the POSP.

1) “Disturbance” reported on 4/15. An individual was reported to be yelling at nearby pedestrians and causing a disturbance near ‘U’ Dock. Officers responded and were successfully able to calm the individual down. No crime occurred.

2) On 4/24 around 2040 hours, a welfare check was requested on an individual outside the main office.  Officers contacted the subject who departed without incident.  Subject was warned that they need to have official business if they go into any of the businesses.

3) On 4/26 around 2143 hours, a vehicle was reported stolen.  Vehicle was entered into NCIC as stolen, victim was given a ride to downtown Seattle.

4) On 4/28 around 1324 hours, someone reported their gas tank had been drilled.  No surveillance was in the area, report completed.

37 Area Checks were completed (Business Checks included).

If you have any questions for the POSP please call them directly or join the vMan Radio net on VHF Ch.71 on Monday at 8PM.

If you know of any incidents that weren’t reported in these stats please let your neighbors know here and we’ll try to get more information.

Please call Port Police first when witnessing an incident
As always, tenants are encouraged to stay vigilant & report ANY suspicious activity to the Port of Seattle Police. **Please remember, IF AN INCIDENT ISN’T REPORTED it’s like IT NEVER OCCURRED. If you want to see better security at Shilshole PLEASE report everything and contribute to the stats.

For emergencies in general call 911
Incidents on Port Property: 206-787-5401 or 911 and ask for the Port Police
The following numbers should be in your speed dial and easily accessible.
Port of Seattle Police Direct Line: 206-787-5401
Port of Seattle Police Non-emergency: 206-787-3490
Shilshole Marina Night Security/24 hr: 206-601-4089
If you have any issues with nighttime security staff between 10pm-7am (such as not answering the phone) please call their supervisor at 206-787-3688 anytime.

Earth Day -April 22nd

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated worldwide on April 22, to demonstrate support for environmental protection.  As boaters, with our close relationship to the water and its environs, this a great opportunity to review our boating habits and work with our neighbors to ensure that we all can enjoy cleaner water and air!

Some things to consider:

  • Keep your boat engine tuned up and operating properly to reduce smoke and oil discharge
  • Use environmentally safe soaps for cleaning the decks
  • Use tarps and vacuums to keep boat maintenance debris out of the water
  • Switch from zinc to aluminum anodes for your prop shaft/hull
  • Report all diesel spills immediately to the office so they can quickly be contained
  • Use the marina provided Haz Mat containers for old oil, gas, batteries, and coolant disposal
  • Keep your car tuned up and fix oil leaks so they don’t make their way from the parking lot to the marina waters

History of Earth Day

Shilshole Required Best Management Practices and Flare Disposal

Crime Stats for SBM 4/8/24- 4/15/24

“Significant Event” crime stats for Shilshole Bay Marina covering 4/8/24 1730 to 4/15/24 1730 hours as reported by Officer Hilger of the POSPD.

1) 4/8/24 around 1939 hours, two individuals were contacted in the parking lot. The subjects left the property.

2) 4/14/24 around 1119 hours. Gas theft. A report was completed.

*22 Area checks were logged.

If you know of any incidents that weren’t reported in these stats please let you neighbors know here and we’ll try to get more information.

Please call Port Police first when witnessing an incident
As always, tenants are encouraged to stay vigilant & report ANY suspicious activity to the Port of Seattle Police. **Please remember, IF AN INCIDENT ISN’T REPORTED it’s like IT NEVER OCCURRED. If you want to see better security at Shilshole PLEASE report everything and contribute to the stats.

For emergencies in general call 911
Incidents on Port Property: 206-787-5401 or 911 and ask for the Port Police
The following numbers should be in your speed dial and easily accessible.
Port of Seattle Police Direct Line: 206-787-5401
Port of Seattle Police Non-emergency: 206-787-3490
Shilshole Marina Night Security/24 hr: 206-601-4089
If you have any issues with nighttime security staff between 10pm-7am (such as not answering the phone) please call their supervisor at 206-787-3688 anytime.

EarthDay April 22nd, 2023

As boaters, we have an especially close relationship to our environment-we live and play in it every day!  There are resources here for clean green boating.

To paraphrase Ghandi..”Be the change we want to see”.

The Starfish Parable:

One day, an old man was walking along a beach that was littered with thousands of starfish that had been washed ashore by the high tide. As he walked he came upon a young boy who was eagerly throwing the starfish back into the ocean, one by one.

Puzzled, the man looked at the boy and asked what he was doing. Without looking up from his task, the boy simply replied, “I’m saving these starfish, Sir”.  The old man chuckled aloud, “Son, there are thousands of starfish and only one of you. What difference can you make?”

The boy picked up a starfish, gently tossed it into the water and turning to the man, said, “I made a difference to that one!”

Fisheries Supply Swap Meet-April 20th

Now is the time to start thinking about cleaning out your storage locker, your bilge, and your van and get those items down to the Fisheries Supply Swap Meet, Saturday, April 20th!  Get there early to get a parking/display spot.  You may also find the one thing you need (or don’t need but want) to bring home to the boat.  Get details here…